Beyonce of Van Life
My Solo Road Episode 43 | ft. Candyss Love
She was in the military, the police force, and certified bad B*tch (okay, this is still true) before moving into the Promaster with her pup, Cleo. Followers have deemed her the Beyonce of Van Life because she’s an undeniable queen. Listen as Candyss Love talks about moving onto the road as a Black female & during a pandemic.
Growing up in Texas, Candyss had always been traveling, had a love for hiking, international travel, and exploring the world. It was no surprise to her family that her next step would be van life. From solo female van life with a dog, living in a place of love, and teaching the world to heal one person at a time we cover it all her.
van life with a dog
- Candyss travels alongside side her German Shepard Cleo.
- Although she loves having her dog, she warns people that they should really consider whether they want to have a dog on the road.
- Having a dog in a van is a big responsibility and should not be about the aesthetic.
- She warns that you shouldn't get a dog unless you've really sat down to consider what it will be like for you and the dog living in a van.
Embodying Love in van life
- Candyss Love was formerly in the military and then transitioned to a police officer position and after 2020 found that she no longer felt safe or aligned being in the force.
- Although she loved serving her community in the police force she decided she wanted to focus on providing love and light to the world to help others focus on healing.
- Van Life helped to overcome her anxieties and gave her a healthy perspective of society.
- She believes in only doing things that resonate with her spirit and bring her joy.
- As a society she believes there is no one answer to solving our current issues, however to heal division we need to have everyone begin their own personal healing journey.
- The first step is to personally stop and take inventory of the self-work you need to do and the education you need to learn to help everyone.
Learning how to heal
- Candyss dives into her experience with childhood trauma and how we often don't process our childhood issues.
- Later in life she found that these issues were surfacing in the form of unrealistic relationship expectations and often people project their parental issues onto partners.
- If you do not heal your wounds they will continue to be projected onto other people.
- It's important to choose freedom by acknowledging how you were treated as a child so you can move forward and truly experience joy and love.
- Van Life gave Candyss the space by herself to self reflect to begin her healing journey.
- Candyss attributes her healing journey to recognizing the toxic relationship she was in and beginning to understand her patterns.
- It's important to sit with yourself, see what comes to the surface and honor it.
Candyss Love embodies love and healing on the road. Her journey is not only healing her own childhood trauma but she works to help heal others. If you would like to work with Candyss Love head to book a 1:1 healing session.