Showering at a gym is the most common way to get clean while traveling on the road. It’s the least expensive with the least amount of personal maintenance you’ll need to do. That being said, there are still several different gyms to choose from to work out and shower. Depending on where you’ll be and what your budget is can determine which gym is exactly best for you! These are the gyms most of my van friends either use or I use myself and have proven to be the best for travelers!

The holy grail of van dwellers showering facilities and my personal gym of choice! There’s a 75% chance that anytime you pull into the lot there will be another van already at the gym showering as well. It attracts us because it’s by far the cheapest membership, it’s open 24 hours, and there are locations everywhere. Each gym is very similar to one another so you pretty much always know what you’re going to get.
- Cheapest membership at $20/ month
- Locations all over US
- Open 24 hours
- Showers at all locations

The Y is really unique because almost all of their facilities are completely different. Other gyms just have the standard equipment while YMCA can have pools, basketball courts, and tennis courts. Each location offers an array of ways to work out. Before signing up, look at the locations compared to where you plan on traveling. They have a lot of gyms in small towns which is super handy but there are massive gaps in a lot of states where you’ll have a hard time finding the nearest one.
- $8.50/ day or $50/ month
- Many locations on East Coast, but few in certain states
- Incredibly versatile gyms; each having different features

Another van life favorite because of the really nice facilities and West Coast locations. 24 Hour Fitness is everywhere out West so if you plan on staying around there, this may be a good option. The only con to this gym is that it’s a little more expensive. But if you have a higher budget, this won’t be an issue at all!
- $30- $40/ month
- Locations all over West Coast; none in some other states
- Open 24 hours
- Great facilities and great staff