Although traveling and van dwelling really is an amazing lifestyle most the time, there are definitely some inconveniences that go along with l living out of a car and always on the road. You learn as you go though and you’ll definitely start to figure out what exactly you need to help with certain situations. Showering at a gym and finding a heat source in the winter can be a pain sometimes but I’ve been able to find some things that will hopefully save you the trouble of needing to find it on your own. These are some of things I have picked up along the way after realizing they were invaluable and very much needed!
Having a way to jump the van when you’re alone is so important! You don’t want to have to rely on the kindness of strangers especially when you’re out in the middle of nowhere. This jump starter comes with everything you need, has the ability to jump your van, and charge phones, laptops, etc. I’ve had this in my van since I left and it’s been wonderful knowing that in case of an emergency, I have an extra power source.
These heaters are inexpensive and work really well for how small they are. I have two in the van because I like having a backup and sometimes it’s really cold which calls for a little extra heat. For other options on staying warm, I wrote a full post on winter hacks. These little heaters work great for me though and I highly recommend having something like them to keep you warm. They do need 110V outlets though so you’ll need an adapter if you don’t have any. I’ve never had an issue with them taking too much power. When it’s on the maximum heat, it pulls about 350 watts.
This is the exact toiletry bag that I have and I absolutely love it. A lot of showers at the gym are different per location so it’s nice to have the hanging option in case there’s nowhere to set it inside. There’s several different compartments for all your stuff and it’s big enough for full size products to stand up. At the same time, it’s still small enough to store easily in an upper cabinet or somewhere compact in the van.
Having sun shades to to block the sun is ESSENTIAL. This keeps the van significantly cooler than when you let the sun beat inside all day. I put these up in the windshield anytime it’s hot outside, at night to block anyone from seeing in, and when I leave my dog in the van so it stays extra cool. These are the only ones I have found that aren’t super expensive and actually fit Sprinter sized vans. An absolute must.
For $80, this pass gets you into all the national parks, forests, and monuments for a full year. It’s typically $30 per vehicle so after a couple parks, you might as well have had the pass. It’s a great deal and really nice not have to worry about paying every time you go long term. I find myself visiting way more parks when I’m nearby because I know I’ll get in free with the pass versus having to pay a fee each time.
Personally, these toilets are my favorite bathroom option. A built in bathroom or toilet is nice, but not financially accessible to everyone. They’re expensive and take up a lot of space in the van. These portable toilets are so easy to clean and take out as well as being inexpensive. A pee funnel or bottle is another cheap option but I like making the van feel as much like a home as possible. The portable toilet gives you that feeling without having to break the bank.
Another thing you definitely want to have stored somewhere in the van is a roadside emergency kit. There will inevitably come a day where you get a flat tire or something goes wrong and you have to sit on the side of the road while it’s being fixed. This kit includes everything you need to stay safe during those times such as a reflective triangles, flash light, tire pressure gauge, a screwdriver, jumper cables, and several other things that will come in handy. I keep this tucked under the driver seat and didn’t look at it for the first few months I lived in the van. However the day I got a flat tire, I knew I had what I needed to make sure I was safe while putting on the spare.
I never used to think these packing cubes were necessary because it really saving space? I thought if anything, they kind of take up more space. But I was dead wrong. Having an organized way to put everything into your cabinets or storage saves so much space and makes it easy easier to find what you need. They also just stack nicely and fit perfectly versus cramming clothes into a cabinet misshapen and falling over.
I just bookmarked all of these accessories! The small heater sounds like a life saver & I didn’t even know they existed. 🤯 Once again, great tips!
Just a note: if you’re a veteran, you can get a LIFETIME parks pass for $10. I bought mine earlier this year. You have to provide your service dates and they will look it up.
Thanks for all your helpful content! Do you know the brand of the toiletry bag? Seems like the link isn’t working for me
Hi, Its 2023 sorry I am trying to start van life but i dont know where to start this is so helpful.
This is so inspiring!
Thank you so much for all your help it truly is appreciated.
Thanks for these tips. we are getting our van soon and are collecting many of the needed items now. We had not thought of the reflectors. Great idea!