Ever thought about making money for taking beautiful photos or even doing voiceovers in your van? The internet and social media have made it overwhelmingly possible for individual creators to sell their skills on their own versus having to work for a company or huge established brands. There have been numerous sites designed specifically to link experts in a certain area with clients looking for those skills and products. I have put together some of the sites that I know to be very popular, trustworthy, and can allow a legitimate income. That being said, you do need to have a developed skill or area of expertise (it can be as simple as selling thrifted clothing) in order to find success with this.
Fiverr is really popular in the video editing world but a lot of people don’t know all the different services you can sell on this site! There are women who have services titled “Modeling Your Product” where they simply put small clothing company’s outfits on (which they receive for free) and wear them in a couple photos. The only thing needed here would be a nice camera and maybe some very basic editing software. Speaking of which, you can even offer photo editing! If you have Lightroom and know how to use it, offer your editing skills for a price!
Take a look around Fiverr and see what ideas other people have come up with. Can you do something similar and provide people with a quality service? If so, take the 5 minutes that you’ll spend and sign up to sell! You can even get your logo or branding done on the site for cheap before getting started. With a little hard work over time, people make thousands doing this full- time!
How Much You Make
Fiverr takes 20% of everything you earn. It does allow you to set up 3 different packages with your posting though. So for example, you can sell one photo for $10, two photos for $15, and three for $25. Also, sellers are paid two weeks after each project completion date. You can have as many gigs up as you want to maximize the skills you sell too!
AirBnb Experience
This is different than the previous company because the experiences are typically done in person. Therefore, you can really only take advantage of this if you plan to stay in the same place for a few weeks at least. It allows you to post an experience that you can provide tourists or even locals of a certain city. It has to be something worth paying for such as a private yoga class on the beach or showing them around the city’s best spots and taking pictures of them while walking around (yes, you can literally get paid for that). There are hundreds of ideas you can get just by browsing around the website and checking it out.
It is important to know that it takes about 2-3 weeks to get approved so always apply for the city you will be in at that time. Once you get approved, you can set your own schedule and availability.
Craigslist isn’t just used for selling old stuff or apartment hunting. You can list services as well or find jobs. When I first left in the van, I would always check in each city to see if there was something I could do. Listing your own service does cost money but viewing job listings is completely free. I have found people wanting a simple Instagram profile but not knowing how to set one up. And they’ll pay you for it! So do your research, take some time to look, and your bound to find stuff. This is not for a full income but can get you food and gas for the month for sure.
How Much You Make
Listing your services on Craigslist is about $35. So I recommend looking for job postings before posting your own ad. Try random key words pertaining to your skills and qualifications. It takes a simple email to send your resumé and hopefully hear back. You can make at least $100 /week by staying on top of ads posted and being one of the first to respond.